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I think one thing that has surprised me about the blogging community is how encouraging everyone is. From the bloggers I’ve met through Facebook to the ladies whose blogs I link up on every week, everyone has been super friendly.

And maybe that’s because we know. We know blogging can be lonely. We know it can feel like talking in a room full of people and having no one listen. But having the encouragement of other bloggers helps on those days you wonder if you are really helping anyone. They know.

And then I got nominated for a Liebster Award by Leslie of Forever Joyful (she’s one of the super-encouraging hosts of a link-up I participate in). The Liebster is just another one of those great ways bloggers have of encouraging one another.

liebster award

The Liebster Award is passed from blogger to blogger as a source of encouragement. Who doesn’t love to be encouraged? Each Liebster Award recipient should:

  • Post the award to her blog
  • Answer the nominating blogger’s ten question interview
  • Nominate 3-10 other bloggers with fewer than 3,000 followers whom she wants to encourage
  • Create ten questions for the new nominees.

So, without further ado, here are my answers to Leslie’s questions.

  1. What is your favorite memory associated with blogging? Maybe being asked to come give book recommendations on a local TV show (SA Live).
  2. What is the biggest challenge you’ve overcome in blogging? Although creating this blog had been a long-term goal, I started it during kind of a crazy time for our family–a time of lots of transition and extra responsibilities. I figure if I could keep it up that first year, I’ve got this.
  3. What is your favorite aspect of blogging? I really get excited about sharing books I love with others. I also love coming up with creative ways to write up my reviews.
  4. How has your blog impacted your family? Honestly, I think my kids are proud of me. They see me stepping out to do something, and I think that makes an impact on them.
  5. What is your top blogging goal for 2016? I probably should have thought about this already? I think I’d be really happy if I could double my email subscribers list.
  6. If you could sum up your life priorities in five words, what would they be? Not Good At These Questions
  7. What is your favorite book (other than the Bible) and why? What? Just one? You know I’m a book blogger, right? Ok, fine. Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis. I don’t do a lot of re-reading, but I think I’ve read this one at least three times.
  8. What is your favorite Scripture and why? Psalm 19–It’s such a beautiful, poetic depiction of how God is evident in nature.
  9. What should we be teaching our children about how to become better writers? Honestly, I think most of what makes good writers is reading. So read to your kids, find books they’ll love, and make audiobooks an easily available pastime.
  10. Share a fun random fact. My husband writes beautiful songs! You can listen to them here.

Here are my nominees (no, I didn’t choose them alphabetically… it just happened):

Amy of Sunlit Pages-Amy has been at this blogging biz for a while! I really admire her consistency and the goals she sets for herself.

Beth of Lit by the Tree--I really appreciate Beth’s thorough reviews, and she’s always recommending interesting books on Facebook as well.

Beth of Pages and Margins-I believe Beth is an even newer blogger than I am, but she’s been diligent and has filled her site with a lot of great reviews!

And here are my questions for them:

  1. What book most impacted you as a child?
  2. What made you want to start a blog?
  3. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  4. What is your favorite book?
  5. If you had a day completely free of obligations, what would you do?
  6. How long have you been blogging?
  7. What is the story behind your blog’s name?
  8. How do you get most of your reading done: print book, e-reader, or audiobook?
  9. What is one thing everyone should know about you?
  10. What is your favorite genre of book?

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